Healing from Betrayal Workshop


Healing from Betrayal Workshop - A 4-day Intensive for Women-TBA

Are you in a relationship with someone who is struggling with compulsive sexuality or addiction?  Regardless of the type of behavior, we recognize the betrayal and hurt, and the significant impact this has had on you and your relationship.  What you are experiencing is trauma - and we can help!

We have designed a 4-day workshop for men and women in a relationship with someone who is struggling with compulsive sex or sex addiction.

This intensive focuses on you and helping you heal from the pain of betrayal.  In this workshop, you will be joined by others who have experienced this same kind of trauma.  You will receive, for possibly the first time, real support and love.

You will learn the following and much more:
- What trauma looks like and practical ways to heal from it
- Tools for coping
- Understanding of the addiction cycle
- What addiction, partner, and couple recovery looks like
- Steps to build trust and forgiveness
- How to develop a healthy support system
- How come addiction is not about you
- Steps to rebuild self-esteem
- Process of deciding whether to stay in the relationship
- How to make sure the kids are okay

Cost: $2550.00 (Includes lodging, complimentary breakfast at hotel and lunch at intensive)

Registration Form